Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Holy crap.

So I made a previous post about the evil little bastards crawling around outside. And I bet "ya'll" think I'm crazy and/or paranoid.

Am I? Am I really?!?

One night last week I was innocently getting into bed as I do every night, and something very disturbing caught my eye:

Oh... what, you don't see it? Well take a closer look:

TWO FEET FROM MY FREAKIN' FACE! Omfg. I was convinced they are coming to get me while I sleep, while I'm at my most vulnerable.

I'll say it again: OMFG. O. M. F. G.

In case you need reminding: these things sting the hell out of you if you even gently touch them. They are horrifying little creatures and I had a lot of trouble sleeping that night. I checked in and under the bed but could not prevent a case of the severe heebie jeebies.

1 comment:

  1. If I were you I would have had nightmares all night. Seriously.

    As a kid I used to have recurring nightmares about ants crawling all over my face. (In response to your standard, normal ant problem in the house.)

    I hope they don't creepy crawlie all over your face and/or into your mouth as you sleep.
