Saturday, January 9, 2010

Okay, so it's a little late.

But doesn't every good blogger have to write something pertaining to the new year? I'm only 10 days late. Well, 9, if you count my true time zone. I feel like no matter where I go, no matter where I live, I'll always go by Pacific Time. It's just my standard I guess.

Well. What did I accomplish in 2009? I graduated college with my bachelor of arts in communicative disorders. I moved from San Francisco to Los Angeles. I got my dream job and quit after a week (seriously, my boss was out of her mind and I refused to put up with it, no matter what kind of opportunity it may have been... a girl has to stand up for herself). I got a work from home job, as a transcriptionist, through a company in Los Angeles. I continued to date my boyfriend from 2008. Together, we moved out of Los Angeles, and drove 2500 miles to spend another Christmas in Atlanta with his family. Approximately 250 miles of that was spent driving through Louisiana and Alabama, in the aggressively and relentlessly pouring rain, for six hours straight, on Christmas Eve. Easily one of the worst experiences of my life, and it turned an otherwise harmless (albeit boring) cross-country trip into a very miserable one. Oh, and, I got my first dog. It's a boy!

What's to come in 2010: Staying in Atlanta through January, and then moving to New Orleans beginning in February (so it seems). Living in New Orleans through the summer, until early August. Expecting to take advantage of the return trip back to California, and turn it into a proper cross-country road trip - complete with destinations, tourism, extended stays, and most importantly? Not driving 500 miles per day, only to wake up the next morning and do it again. And finally, hopefully... moving to Seattle at the very end of 2010, but possibly in the very beginning of 2011.

Now what have we in terms of resolutions, for this upcoming year? I have to say, I'm really not a believer in making stupid resolutions that I have no intention of keeping. I think if it's worth considering as a resolution, it should be something I can, and will, actually do. So, having said so, I think I have come up with a good one. That is good for me, too.

I need to be more adventurous. Moving to New Orleans on something of a whim is a good start, and it was a tough decision. BUT! I cannot let anything get in my way when I get there. I cannot spend most of my week in the house, too lazy to go do anything worthwhile. I cannot make excuses about why it's a better idea to just stay home and watch a movie. I need to go out, spend money, and be a normal 23-year-old. I think spending at least two nights per week out of the house, doing something fun, is reasonable. That is my resolution and we will see how it goes. Only time will tell!

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